Maria Björkman
Head of Finance

Peder Waern
- Strategy, Accenture
- M&A, Sdiptech
- Consultant, EY
- 10 years’ experience of management work
- Education: MSc

Carl Bjartmar
Member of the Board & Chief Commercial Officer
- Previously CMO (Chief Medical Officer), Ascelia Pharma
- Previously CMO, Wilson Therapeutics
- Leading roles at Lundbeck, Sanofi and Genzyme

Bo Nilsson
Chief Technology Officer
- Professor in innate immune system
- More than 40 years’ experience in medicine
- Education: MD, PhD

Ingegerd Dalfelt
Head of Clinical Operations
- More than 30 years’ experience of leading clinical studies
- More than 20 years’ experience in medicine (nurse)
- Education: SRN, BSc

Jacob Westman
Head of CMC. PhD, Assoc. Professor
- Assoc. Prof. in organic chemistry
- +30 years in Medicinal Chemistry in the Pharma industry